by Kim Holl

After years of tending to the dream, I have launched Through the Lens, dedicated to offering the spoken word on film for ordinary people to share their extraordinary wisdom.

The stories that emerge offer a pearl of wisdom, a promise of hope, a seed dream for the next generation. They reflect our shared humanity and deep wisdom born from our experience through longing and loss, adventure and love, and pure rapture upon the path of our own becoming. It is a gift for both the storyteller and for the listener. 

This past December I had the honour to sit with Devine Elden who shared her wisdom and wit before she left this blessed Earth.

Making a story at a time.

Tell your story and the proceeds will help to fund another story with Hope Rises – one that illuminates social and environmental issues along with our collective longing to belong. 

Devine Wisdom

A witty, compassionate maverick and faithful rabble-rouser, Devine embraced death as she had life – with fierce curiosity and courage.

After five years of living with cancer, in gratitude and acceptance, Devine chose a medically assisted death.

This is her parting wisdom and Soul Story,

Through the Lens Newsletter

Stories give our life meaning and everyone has a story to tell.
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