Every ancestor has a story…. every tea cup and object has one too!
Ancestor’s Tea, online – Zoom Wednesday November 1st, 2023 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. PST
During this time of year, when many communities honour their beloved dead, it is felt that the veil between world’s grows thin. Join us in a warm and welcoming space to share and listen to stories of our ancestors.
Bring a photo, tea cup or other significant object that carries a story, or join us with a listening ear. Bring a friend or family members!
Ancestor’s Tea is an opportunity to include our ancestors in the continuum of life through sharing the vibrancy and challenges of their lives in a safe circle of welcoming ears. An invitation to place ourselves in the widening circle of lineage – familial, cultural, species inclusive (bring an animal friend story) and all of creation!
Suggested Donation: $10 – $25 through Eventbrite or e-transfer to [email protected].
Zoom link sent upon registration.