Navigating Transitions
With Penny Allport
To Inquire
Contact Penny
phone – 250 592 6400
email –
* Custom classes are available for organizations, families and groups
Become An Exceptional Elder
An Invitation to Return to the Soul’s Highest Values
Navigating Transitions, 8 Gates of Wisdom is an invitation to return to the soul’s highest values, deepen character, harvest meaning and embody spiritual maturity. The COVID 19 crisis finds us in a time of great transition as a global community. We are being called to become exceptional Elders, regardless of our age.
Join us on a luminous journey for navigating these dark times – to reclaim unattended gifts, shift from ambition to meaning and contribution, and trust this dissolution we are all in together. Through storytelling, listening, sharing, song and silence, we invite you to put on your inner walking shoes and pick up your soul (walking) sticks as we navigate these transitions of change (gates) together!
This journey draws on the work of cross-cultural anthropologist, author and teacher Angeles Arrien, who Penny was blessed to mentor with for over two decades.
An online zoom exploration with Penny Allport and friends.