Somatic Sovereignty
With Penny AllportCover Photo Credit: Colin J. McMechan

Slow Down, Become an Explorer
A Field of Inquiry Through the Senses with Penny Allport
Somatic Sovereignty – explores themes of somatic strength, resilience and adaptability, respons-ability to creation and the mysteries of life dreaming us into our evolutionary potential as embodied human’s kind.
Somatic Sovereignty – compliments any and all forms of yoga, movement, dance and exercise – restoring a sensible and sensual experience in every day life.
Somatic Sovereignty – is an ongoing inquiry into ways of supporting the direct experience of being embodied humans in all its messy, juicy, grievous and gracious forms.
Together we enter a field of inquiry into senses as portals, body as living process, and awareness unconditioned and unfolding. Here, we slow down. We become explorers through breath, sound and movement, gently crossing thresholds into holy wells of awakened imagination. Here, our interest in sensual contact with both the grace and grit of human life is deepened.
We may discover through serendipity (happy accidents) our interspecies capacities and interdependence with all of life! Solidarity arrives through somatic sovereignty.
Not currently being offered. For inquiries: or call Penny at 250 592 6400.
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