Community Conversations
Cover Photo Credit: Colin J. McMechan

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.
~ Margaret Mead
an invitation to enter into deep, meaningful conversations
Inspire Ordinary Citizens to Become Extraordinary Stewards for Social Change
Invite the Centre for Earth and Spirit Community Conversation facilitators to your school, organization, or board retreat. The conversations that emerge can become a catalyst, as you explore the strengths of your team, spark innovative ideas, foster leadership and recognize untapped potential. With a social change focus, conversations can inspire ordinary citizens to become extraordinary stewards for social change within their community.
A Community Conversation is an invitation to enter into deep, meaningful conversations in an atmosphere of dignity, creating a space to move from small talk to big talk. What would it take to move from talk to action?
Not currently being offered.
For inquiries, please contact Kim Holl
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