At Earth & Spirit Café (formerly Continuing Circles of Care) we offer monthly drop-in gatherings. Each month we host a guest speaker exploring knowledge that honours our dance of relationship with Earth and Spirit. A diversity of topics includes: reciprocal land use, respect for Indigenous ways of knowing, tending death with consciousness, and inspirational change-makers. Hosted by experienced facilitators, holding heart-based space — Renate Ringer & Alice L. Meyers. We invite you to bring your questions and queries!
Join us Thursday March 24th 2022 from 7:00-8:15 pm Pacific Time
Suggested Contribution: $10.00 – $20.00. If finances are a barrier to your participation in this event or if you have any questions or concerns, please contact [email protected] (nobody turned away for lack of funds)
Registration: Through Eventbrite to receive Zoom link.
Please feel free to invite a friend!