Learn the basic operating principles for using the Intensive Journal® method through a direct experience in your life. This workshop covers about half of the exercises in the Intensive Journal workbook.
Develop an inner perspective on the movement of your unfolding life process. Gain greater awareness of the continuity and direction of your life as it reveals what it is trying to become.
Generate insights about major areas of your life, including personal relationships, career and special interests, and body and health. The dialogue process provides a unique way to gain feedback and momentum as you deepen your understanding of these areas.
Participants are introduced to the deeper-than-conscious and spiritual dimensions. Click Here to experience how Entrance Meditation™ techniques can help you access your inner process. Learn how to use wisdom figures to stimulate your inner process. The Life Context workshop provides you with a solid experience in your life from which you can work on your own or continue to the next module.
On-Line INTENSIVE JOURNAL® ZOOM Workshop (February-March 2023)
LIFE CONTEXT in four 3-hour on-line ZOOM workshops:
SUNDAY, Feb. 12 = 1:00 to 4:00 pm
SUNDAY, Feb. 19 = 1:00 to 4:00 pm
SUNDAY, Feb. 26 = 1:00 to 4:00 pm
SUNDAY, Mar. 05 = 1:00 to 4:00 pm
$ 175.00 CDN Per person (Bursaries available)
No pre-requisite.
For more information, please contact Bill Israel <[email protected]> or visit our website: https://centreforearthandspirit.ca/projects/intensive-journaling/