The Art of Embodying Elderhood

Elderhood does not arrive at a certain age. It is an embodiment which needs to be cultivated through conscious engagement and reverence for the cycles of life… Conscious eldering is not a given, but rather a daily practice.

~ Penny Allport

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The art of embodying Elderhood

An Introduction to 8 Somatic Wisdom Portals

Join us on a 9 month journey (Fall 2022-Spring 2023):

As we find ourselves in the midst of a great transition, which may feel groundless and shaky, many of us long for containers – sturdy and fleshy, gutsy and gracious, grounded and spacious – enough to hold our species in a time of deep transformation. With our brains in need of an upgrade, our hearts long for coherent and tangible practices to navigate this initiatory passage with gravity and grit.

Join us for an introduction to the 8 somatic portals that offer inquiry-based and embodied resources to meet opportunities for adulting (growing up), sometimes missed  — by meeting the present with vulnerability, curiosity and a fierce commitment to future generations and the earth.

Through story, reflection, inquiry, nature based and embodied practices along with connection with others, we will explore the 8 somatic portals. Each portal will offer an invitation to strengthen capacities to enter deeper and darker places of not knowing, without falling into patterns of collapse, refusal, blame, projection or attempts to push through.

 A somatic approach means we include the living body that lies below the surface of cultural conditioning. These practices cultivate awareness in previously unexplored and unknown perceptual capacities, to awaken real possibilities for deep systemic and coherent change, as our species grows into latent abilities for greater love and kindness.

Some themes include:

  • Somatically meeting the unknown – living body as sacred vessel
  • Embodied dream tending – embodying a mystery we will never understand.
  • Ceremony catching – embracing our place in the cycle of life.
  • Relationships as rigorous spiritual practice – growing down to grow up!
  • Contribution and reciprocity as essential expressions of Elderhood.
  • Knowing is in the bones – reclaiming lost and missed rites of passage (youth, adult and elder), increasing interest for becoming good ancestors.
  • Nature is our nature – cultivating eyes and ears of wonder.
  • Letting go is not hanging on – breaking spells of hoarding and holding.

Upcoming Dates