Coming To Our SEnses
Cover Photo Credit: Courtney Milne | University of Saskatchewan Archives

Deepen community. honour elders in our midst.
Meet the challenges and wisdom-teachings of our times.
Join us in March, as we gather each year to remember and experience the four healing salves: song, dance, story, and silence. We invite your suggestions for elders – to honour and acknowledge the wisdom keepers who have held space for these healing salves in our community.
To Inquire
Email – [email protected]
The Four Universal Healing Salves, as described by cross-cultural teacher Angeles Arrien, in The Four-Fold Way:
“Every culture has ways of maintaining health and well-being. Healers throughout the world recognize the importance of maintaining or retrieving the four universal healing salves: storytelling, singing, dancing, and silence. Shamanic societies believe that when we stop singing, stop dancing, are no longer enchanted by stories, or become uncomfortable with silence, we experience soul loss, which opens the door to discomfort and disease. The gifted Healer restores the soul through use of the healing salves. It has long been recognized that these healing salves reawaken and sustain the divine child within us and return to us the qualities of wonder, hope, and awe.”
To explore these Four Universal Healing Salves, together, we invited several members of the community to be honoured as Elders & Seniors. They shared their gifts in this co-created journey, with catering by Nature’s Chef, on March 18, 2023 at the Esquimalt Gorge Park Pavilion on unceded lands of the lək̓ʷəŋən People, known today as the Esquimalt and Songhees Nations. Hay’sxw’qa si’em, HÍSW̱ḴE SIÁM, thank you to everyone who contributed to making this an incredibly special day. Please see blog post (below) + event listing for details ( and stay tuned for news about Coming to Our Senses 2025 — please reach out if you would like to be involved, we would love to hear from you!
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Coming to Our Senses 2023
Photo credit: Alice Meyers Thank you to everyone who contributed to making last Saturday's ✨COMING TO OUR SENSES 2023✨ event a beautiful day of connecting to our sensing selves! It was an incredible afternoon of connection and learning through the Four Universal...