by Kim Holl
When was the last time you had the opportunity to enter into deep meaningful conversations in the company of strangers?
When did you last have the chance to dive in and explore end-of-life issues, befriending death, green burials and legacy making?
If you are like most, the answer is likely ‘never’ or ‘not often enough’.
That is exactly want we did each month from January – May of this year. In collaboration with the Victoria Multifaith Society and the Open Door Sanctuary, we put out the call that attracted a diverse, multi cultural and multi-generational group of people, from different faiths, eager to explore the menu of thought provoking topics:
- January: Entering the Forbidden Conversation
- February: The Role of Elder – Aging in our Culture
- March: Transforming Grief
- April: Life Beyond Life
- May: Exploring Our Legacy
With each event, we had a key note speaker and short film before launching into our conversations. Based on the Conversation Café model, with speaking stone in hand, each person at the round table had the opportunity to speak and to be heard. The exercise was as much about listening to diverse points of view as it was about speaking.
Regardless of the topic, participants found their experience deeply moving, sharing that ‘these are the conversations we need to have more of!”
The consensus? Befriending death offered an opportunity to embrace life while we can and to mindfully turn our attention to exploring our legacy and making a difference.
A deep bow to Sheila Flood, the Bahaii board member with Victoria Multifaith Society and to Reverend Terri Woolgar and her colleagues Reverends Brian Robertson and Simon James with the Open Door Sanctuary.
Kim Holl – as a storyteller and social entrepreneur, Kim spent 15 years in the USA facilitating Community Conversations and art- and adventure-based programs for schools and nonprofits that focused on bullying prevention, community engagement, wellness, and using philanthropy to inspire social change. In 2018, Kim launched Through the Lens, for people and organizations with a story to tell.