Walk Around the Block

A Walk Around the Block by Penny Allport This summer I had the blessing of returning to the place of my birth in Ontario to celebrate my parent’s 60th wedding anniversary. 170 family and friends filled a community hall my parent’s had actually fundraised to build in...

Soul Story

by Kim Holl After years of tending to the dream, I have launched Through the Lens, dedicated to offering the spoken word on film for ordinary people to share their extraordinary wisdom. The stories that emerge offer a pearl of wisdom, a promise of hope, a seed dream...

Orca Sounding Rises for the Extinction Rebellion

People from around the world have been passionately reacting to the UN’s news that we’re currently nowhere close to hitting the 1.5˚C target.  There has been a huge outcry from ordinary citizens around the world, pleading with their leaders to listen. ...

Thoughts on Dr. Progoff’s Journal Workshop

Thoughts on Dr. Progoff’s Journal Workshop by Signed by prisoner X (name withheld), who has been approved for release on parole from the federal Correctional Services Canada penitentiary on Vancouver Island, British Columbia In the past week I have been thinking about...

A Grateful Heart, Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude

A Grateful Heart:  Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude The Centre for Earth & Spirit is please to present this 2.5 hour experiential workshop for the Yakimovich Wellness Centre. Join us for an afternoon to explore, expand and inspire the art of giving thanks...