Being Together

Being Together

deepen our roots, open our hearts   Wednesdays beginning September 16th 4:00 to 4:30 pm As these times call us to deepen our roots in home and open our hearts to the world, we feel called to offer an opportunity to be together in somatic and spiritual resonance. We...

The Ecological Footprint of Death

by Penny Allport “I don’t really care, I’m not going to be here,” she said matter of factly. The question we had asked in our Living Well – Dying Well program was – what, if any, plans for the care of your body after death, do you have? As the...
Time Out of Time – Changing Wom(b)en

Time Out of Time – Changing Wom(b)en

Time Out of Time - Changing Wom(b)enMary Lake Nature Sanctuary  |  Victoria, BC A Quarterly Gathering for Wom(b)en meeting the changes of midlife and beyond!! Become an apprentice to the elements – Each offering will be held in a container of elemental care and...

A Labour of Love

A Labour of Love by Robin J Hood We are excited to share John Shields inspirational story with the world through A Labour of Love, now in pre-production. John’s story will encourage people to link labour organizing with personal and global transformation. John’s...

Re-Wilding Death – an inquiry-based gathering

Re-Wilding Death:  An Inquiry-based Gathering at O.U.R. Ecovillage Join Penny, Robin and Kim in a co-creative action research session on the re-imagination of death as an integral part of life within the intentional communities network. Learn about new practices for...